Purpose Project Workshop
The Catalyst Purpose Project takes you on an eye-opening journey of self-discovery revealing how your unique design is made to positively impact the world around you. This is an interactive session with community mentors on hand to take you through a process of assessing how your passions, talents, personality types and life experiences work together to form a glimpse of what you are uniquely designed to do.
At the workshop, you will hear from Author and Motivational Speaker, Joe Elliott, who will guide you through how to understand and embrace your potential.
Must be registered 2 days prior to the event. This workshop is for ages 18+.
Anderson Terrace Event Space
11505 Anderson Mill Rd
Austin, TX 78750
7pm - 9pm
Arrival time is 6:45pm. This workshop is provided at no charge thanks to generous sponsors in our community! All participants are encouraged to complete a 30 minute Purpose Project Survey 24 hours prior to the workshop. You can access it now at https://catalystcollective.typeform.com/to/qHxaGD
“Joe is one of the most driven, creative and intuitive people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He has that rare combination of being able to dream big while still executing the small details to make those dreams a reality. In the 10 years I have known him he has helped stir up my own creative ideas and has modeled for me the way to get things done. ”
What Past Students have Said about this Workshop:
"I am more motivated to make the world a better place and understand how i can..."
"Loved and enjoyed the whole program, I arrived uninterested and left thoughtful."
"I will view my future differently, more openly."
"This program was very eye-opening and the speaker was awesome."
‘“Opened my mind to many things I never thought about before. “